About Us!

Sprouting Ink is a resource website and blog designed to arm young writers of all skill levels, whether they are a seasoned pro looking for inspiration or a fresh mind who has been poking around the creative writing world, in any and all of their writerly endeavors.
Created in 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic distancing, the ultimate goal of the site was to make creative writing resources more accessible to young people and give them a healthy medium to release some of the negative emotions (frustration, anger, hopelessness, isolation... we've all felt them) that are caused by the current set of circumstances. 

That all being said, we strive to also make Sprouting Ink an overflowing fountain of support and joy. I mean, if you think about all the things you can do in, with, and through your writing, it can seriously send you on a power trip. Puzzles, anyone? Try some poetic forms! Learning how to songwrite? Give the songwriting overview a go. Dying to meet some fellow writers? Writing communities, all day, everyday! I hope you find this useful, and I can't wait to see what you all will create :)

The Girl Scout Gold Award

As much as I wish I could say that I just woke up one morning and said "I want to make a resource blog for young writers!", that is not how it all went down. Rather, the series of workshops and this website were a part of my Girl Scouts Gold Award project, which I designed to address the issue of our generation's perception of and lack of knowledge pertaining to creative writing.

I have been in Girl Scouts since the 4th grade, and I'll admit that there a few times I wanted to quit. I've always been on the more introverted side, so you can probably imagine that I wasn't a huge fan of selling cookies. Then again, without having those experiences, I don't believe I would have been able to hold writing workshops and create this whole website. Without their guidance, I might not have had the tools and daring to press forward in moments of self doubt. So for that, I am forever grateful to the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles.

Despite this though, I do want to set something straight-- I did not do this just for the Gold Award. I would do it a million times over without it. This blog and the workshops I held were and are something I'm truly passionate about, and I pour my heart into every moment I spend working on this. 

If you are interested in joining Girl Scouts or the Girl Scout Gold Award, feel free to contact me any time by filling out the "Contact Me"  form (working on it now, use comments currently), and we'll be in touch. :)

Becoming a Part of Sprouting Ink

I'm currently working out the kinks of this to find a methodical way of introducing new bloggers and forming a Sprouting Ink team because naturally, I cannot realistically be an expert in all the genres and give Sprouting Ink all the attention and love it deserves. For now though, if you're interested, fill out this google form and we'll be in touch! 
