Flash Fiction
Flash fiction is by far one of my favorite forms of short stories, and always delivers a wonderfully powerful while still being very succinct. Because it is so short though, one might think it is very easy to write. Unfortunately, that is not entirely the case. However, it's definitely a super awesome form to work with and it can be fun to find the perfect words to describe your story.
Flash fiction is essentially a really short story. Over the years, the term flash fiction has grown to be anything less than 1000 words, but most flash fiction you'll read is under 600 words. Due to the fact that flash fic is so short, I would recommend only having one to two characters and settings, so that you don't confuse your readers and can really dig deeper into the scene. The power of suggestion becomes even more important because the wc (word count) is so limited, and this is also a great chance to find inventive ways to tell the story.
For me at least, the best way to write any short story is flesh the whole story out first, and then go back and edit it down afterwards. Check out my post on editing short stories for help with that. Thank for reading, and happy writing!